1/4 cup olive oil 3 medium onions, diced 1 package bacon, chopped 6-7 small to medium red potatoes, diced 1 1/2 cup water 4 large carrots, chopped 1 head broccoli, chopped 1 tbsp poultry seasoning 1/2 tsp seasoning salt 1/2 tsp pepper 1/4 tsp cayenne 1 tsp Montreal chicken spice 1 tsp rosemary 1 tsp garlic powder 2 tbsp parsley 1/4 cup cheddar, diced 10 bacon and cheddar perogies, chopped 2 cups half and half cream
Sautee onions with olive oil and bacon in the bottom of a large pot. Add spices, potatoes, and water. Let simmer. Add carrots and broccoli and 1 cup of cream. Let simmer, stirring ocassionally. When potatoes are almost cooked through add cheddar and chopped perogy. Stir and cook on low. When potatoes are fully cooked add remain cream and remove from heat.
What is really going on with me? Well, as it turns out this new living situation is not working out as I had hoped. I will be moving again at the end of the month. I am starting in my student teaching placement next week and then at the beginning of May I will be headed to Thailand. Once in Thailand I hope I will get set up to give some wonderful photo entries. I will be in Thailand for 7 weeks and then returning and looking for a summer job. Hopefully I will then conduct a new story contest or some other sort of contest. It was a lot of fun to have reader participation.
What is really going on in Brandon? There was a big snowstorm last night. My work got cancelled this morning because the roads coming into town were really ugly. What is really going on in Manitoba? Winter is going on. The Education system needs serious work. It is at least 5 years behind the times and it is frustrating.
What is really going on in the Canada? I must say... I haven't the slightest clue. The amount of hush-hush going on with the government is beginning to bother me. It makes me wonder what they are up to. I must say I am not impressed with the police issues at the G20 thing in Toronto. I am not saying the police are the issue necessarily. Someone told them to do something along the way there and it seems to me they must have been scared to do the things they did. That really is why anyone does anything horrible, because they are scared. We all get scared sometimes. I think the police need forgiveness. I hope that with forgiveness they will realize they don't need to be scared anymore.
What is really going on in the world? Japan was hit by a huge earthquake and tsunami. I hope the people I know over there are safe as I am unable to contact them. There were issues with the nuclear power. It makes me wonder why any country is still using nuclear power. Canada still uses some nuclear power. It should stop. We should be switching to greener power sources: solar, wind, and tidal. Japan is surrounded by ocean; it should try tidal power. What else is going on? Revolution. In Egypt, Libya, London, the USA... everywhere. People want change. People are angry with their governments and with the institutions. People want freedom. People are afraid. People are hurting. People havel ost jobs, are worried about their next meals. People are realizing the current system is failing. We need a system built on community and caring about each other. We need cooperation and teamwork. We need power to the people.