Monday, April 23, 2012

The Archway

It was the perfect day. Sun was shining, and flowers were blooming all around the garden. The lively chat of the guests was filled with the light tone that only this sort of day my invite. A handsome young man stood in front of the gathered crowd, adjusting his tie nervously. Birds sang in the trees and soft music floated up from under the willow where a violinist and cellist performed a duet. No one was really looking their way or paying strict attention to them but them seemed unaffected by the lack of notice. Children ran laughing among the seated adults, while mothers chided them half-heartedly and urged them to settle down. The boys were dressed to the nines while the girls made themselves at home in fluffy summer dresses. There was an atmosphere of celebration. The young man conferred with his watch and then turned to the elderly gentleman beside him, "Just one minute." he said.
"Yes, of course." said the elderly gentleman, with a twinkle in his eye.
The younger man walked down the center aisle smiling and tossing out greetings to the seated guests as he went. He arrived at the back of the crowd, where there stood an archway covered in white roses. He stepped through it, disappearing from view.
The young man stepped out of the computer screen, holding his hand out to you, "Don't be nervous, my love." he whispered softly.
He took your hand and together you stepped into the screen, back out through the archway. Your clothes were transformed to garments of the finest silk.
Together you stepped down the aisle to soft harmonies of the musicians. The crowd smiled up at you, calling out well wishes, snapping photos, letting out happy sighs for the beautiful couple. Today you would finally marry the love of your life.
The gentleman with the twinkle in his eye stood at the altar and opened up his book, "Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today..."

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